Do you carry ivory cardstock ?
Business Email- Product Information 10 Do you carry ivory cardstock ? 아이보리색 카드…
It's just
Pattern English 365-It+is 1 It's just 그건 그저(단지)~(뿐)이다 Patte…
It's time to
Pattern English 365-It+is 2 It's time to (이제)~을 할때(시간)이다. P…
It's just that
Pattern English 365-It+is 3 It's just that 그건 그저 ~ Pattern English |&…
It seems like that
Pattern English 365-It+is 4 It seems like that ~한것 같아 Pattern English |&n…
It's no wonder that
Pattern English 365-It+is 5 It's no wonder that ~한 것도 당연하네 Patt…
It's 8
Pattern English 365-It+is 6 It's 8 It 's ~ 는 날씨,시간, 요일 등을 말…
Is it good
Pattern English 365-It+is 7 Is it good 좋아? Pattern English | It + is ~&…
It is possible to
Pattern English 365-It+is 8 It is possible to ~이 가능한가요? Pattern Engli…
Is it okay if I
Pattern English 365-It+is 9 Is it okay if I ~해도 되나요? Pattern Engli…
It's not like
Pattern English 365-It+is 10 It's not like ~한것도 아니면서 뭘 그래 …
That's because
Pattern English 365-That+is 1 That's because 그건 ~때문이야 Pattern Eng…
That's why
Pattern English 365-That+is 2 That's why 그러니깐 ~그렇지 Pattern Engl…
That's what
Pattern English 365-That+is 3 That's what (그게)~바로 그거야 Pattern E…
That's not what
Pattern English 365-That+is 4 That's not what (그건)한건 ~ 그게아니야 &n…
That's when
Pattern English 365-That+is 6 That's when (그게)~바로 그때야 Pattern E…
That's where
Pattern English 365-That+is 7 That's where 거기가 ~ 한 그곳이야 &nb…
I'm ready to
Pattern English 365-I+be동사 1 I'm ready to 나는 ~할 준비가 되었다 …
I'm happy for
Pattern English 365-I+be동사 2 I'm happy for 기쁘구나(축하의 의미) …
I'm worried about
Pattern English 365-I+be동사 3 I'm worried about 나는 ~에 대해 걱정이다 .…