supermarket and groceries
Everyday English | Supermarket supermarket and groceries 슈퍼와 식료품 잡…

Maybe we should
Everyday English | Grocery Shopping grocery shopping 장보기 Everyd…

the summer rental
Everyday English | The Summer Rental the summer rental 여름휴가를 위한 아…

vacation plans
Everyday English | Vacation Plans vacation plans 휴가 계획 Everyd…

coming to America
Everyday English | Coming to America coming to America 미국에 오다 Everyday …

cocktail party
Everyday English | Cocktail Party cocktail party 칵테일 파티 Eve…

attributive adjective
Everyday English | Adjectives attributive adjective 한정형용사 &…
objects and animals
Everyday English | Objects and Animals objects and animals 동물과 사물 &nb…

dates and times
Everyday English | Dates and Times dates and times 일시 Everyday En…

numbers and letters
Everyday English | Numbers and Letters numbers and letters 숫자와 글자 &nb…

Everyday English | Descriptions descriptions 묘사 Everyday English …

introducing oneself
Everyday English | Introducing Oneself introducing oneself ~소개하다 …

saying something is difficult
SAYING SOMETHING IS DIFFICULT saying something is difficult ~어려울 때 쓰는 …
reminding others
REMINDING OTHERS reminding others ~상기시킬 때 쓰는 표현 KEY…

remembering things
REMEMBERING THINGS remembering things ~기억할 때 쓰는 표현 …

expressing possibilities
EXPRESSING POSSIBILITIES expressing possibilities ~가능성이 있을 …

might have known
SAYING SOMEBODY IS WRONG saying somebody is wrong ~잘못을 알려줄 때 쓰…

saying something is right
SAYING SOMETHING IS RIGHT saying something is right ~맞았을 때 쓰는 …

I'd rather
Pattern English 365- I'd rather A than B I'd rather B 할 바에는 그냥…

The thing is
Pattern English 365- The thing is The thing is 그러니깐 사실은, 문…