Let me
Pattern English 365- LET 1 Let me 내가 ~하게 해줘, 내가 ~할게 Pattern E…
Let me
Pattern English 365- LET 2 Let me 나에게 ~알려주세요 Gary: Will you…
Let me see if
Pattern English 365- LET 3 Let me see if ~한지 한번 확인해볼게 Fro…
Let's see
Pattern English 365- LET 4 Let's see ~한지 잠시 지켜보자 Lory: What a…
I'll let you know
Pattern English 365- LET 5 / I'll let you know 나중에 알려드릴게요 …
I'm interested in
Pattern English 365- I'm interested in him. ~에게 관심이 있다 Patte…
I like
Pattern English 365- I like dancing 나는~하는것을 좋아해 Pattern Engl…
I hate it when
Pattern English 365 | I love it when ~ / I hate it when ~ ~하는게 참 싫어, ~하면 참 싫…
I feel bad about
Pattern English 365 | I feel bad about~ ~에 대해 미안함,죄책감,양심의 가책을 느…
Are you sure
Pattern English 365 | I'm sure ~라고 확신해? Are you sure Pam: Are you…
There's no doubt that
Pattern English 365 | There's no doubt about/that ~의심의 여지가 없어 ------…
It's likely that
Pattern English 365 | It's likely (that) ~할 가능성이 높다, ~할 소지가 다…
I'm writitng to ask
Basic Email Patterns- 1 Opening Sentence ~에 대해 요청하고자 메일드립니다. Just …
Please see the attached
Basic Email Patterns- 2 Attaching Files. 첨부된~을 확인해 주세요. I'm atta…
Can you please
Basic Email Patterns- 3 Making Inquiries. ~해 주시겠어요? Do you have~? I am in…
We're sending you
Basic Email Patterns- 4 Replying to an Inquiry ~을 보내드립니다. I hope this informatio…
Let me know if
Basic Email Patterns- 5 Informing ~하면 저에게 알려주세요. I'm writing to let yo…
Please send
Basic Email Patterns- 6 Requesting ~을 보내주시기 바랍니다. Have you~? I need ~ …
I'm writing to arrange
Basic Email Patterns- 7 Making arrangement. 을 정하고자 메일 드립니다. I'…
Can we confirm
Basic Email Patterns- 8 Confirming Arrangement. ~을 확인할수 있을까요? I'd like t…