Color Idioms | black sheep (of a family) | a person who is a disgrace to a family or group.
(집안의) 문제아
-The man is the black sheep in his family and has not made a success of his life.
IDIOMS by THEME | Level 1 | Color | (51) Black Sheep (of the family)
George: What are you reading about?
Helen: I'm reading about this very interesting story on how a black sheep in the family turned his life around and became very successful.
George: I think I've heard about that one.
Helen: I'm sure you have. They're making a movie about it.
George: 뭘 읽고 있니?
Helen: 집안의 문제아였던 애가 어떻게 인생을 바꿔서 성공하게 되었는가에 대한 재미있는 이야기에 대해 읽고있어.
George: 그런이야기 들어본적 있는것 같아.
Helen: 그럴껄.이것 영화로도 만들어졌거든.