Color Idioms | black out | to darken a room or building by turning off the lights
-During the war, people in the cities were forced to black out their windows so nobody could see them.
IDIOMS by THEME | Level 1 | Color | (50) Black Out
George: The whole city was forced to black out all lights during the war.
Henry: Why did they do that?
George: They did it because they didn't want the enemy to find a target during a raid.
Henry: That must have been scary.
George: 전쟁중에는 온 도시가 소등을 해야만 했어.
Henry: 왜 그랬어야 하는데?
George: 적이 공격할 대상을 찾는걸 원치 않았기 때문이지.
Henry: 정말 무서웠겠다.