Business Email- Product Information 9
Please send me a catalogue of your product.
>>귀사 제품의 카탈로그를 보내주세요.
To whom it May Concern:
Our office is interested in investing in your Bluetooth headsets for our entire staff.
Please send me a catalogue of your product.
And is there somewhere I could examine a sample headset in person?
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you,
To whom it May Concern:
관계자분께 올림.
Our office is interested in investing in your Bluetooth headsets for our entire staff.
저희 사무실에서 전 직원이 사용할 블루투스 헤드셋을 귀사에서 구매하고자 생각하고 있습니다.
Please send me a catalogue of your products.
저희에게 귀사 제품들의 카탈로그를 보내주세요
And is there somewhere I could examine a sample headset in person?
또한 샘플 헤드셋을 직접 시헙해 볼수 있는곳이 있을까요?
I look forward to your reply.
답변 기다리겠습니다.
Thank you,