Business Email- Communicating Ideas 3
Are you saying that you believe we should not reach out to the U.S market?
>우리가 미국시장으로 진출하지 말아야 한다는 말씀인가요?
Dear Jason,
I was not sure what you meant by your last email.
Are you saying that you believe we should not reach out to the U.S market?
That's a big statement to make,so I'm eager to hear some exlanation.
Dear Jason,
I was not sure what you meant by your last email.
지난번 메일에서 말씀하신 바를 잘 이해하지 못했습니다.
Are you saying that you believe we should not reach out to the U.S market?
우리가 미국시장으로 진출하지 말아야 한다는 말씀인가요?
That's a big statement to make,so I'm eager to hear some exlanation.
상당히 중요한 사항이라, 그에 대한 설명을 꼭 들어보고 싶습니다.