Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 12
We regret to inform you that the U.S Customs Service will impose a 3% duty on your shipment.
>유감스럽게도 미국 세관에서 귀하의 물품에 3%의 관세를 부과할 것 같습니다.
Dear Jason,
We regret to inform you that the U.S Customs Service will impose a 3% duty on your shipment.
The new price is reflected in the updated invoice that I've attached to this email.
Dear Jason,
We regret to inform you that the U.S Customs Service will impose a 3% duty on your shipment.
유감스럽게도 미국 세관에서 귀하의 물품에 3%의 관세를 부과할 것 같습니다.
The new price is reflected in the updated invoice that I've attached to this email.
새 가격은 이 메일에 첨부한 개정된 송장에 반영하겠습니다.