Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 9
International shipping generally takes 1~2 weeks
해외 배송은 보통 1~2주 정도 걸립니다.
Dear Jason,
International shipping generally takes 1~2 weeks because we ship by sea.
If you wish the copper wire to ship by plane,you will need to make arrangements with an outside vendor.
We will,, of course ,accomodate you in whatever way we can.
* media mail
* associated fee
* express delivery
* next day shipping
Dear Jason,
International shipping generally takes 1~2 weeks because we ship by sea.
해외 배송은 보통 1~2주 정도 걸립니다.왜냐하면 배로 배송을 하게 되거든요.
If you wish the book to ship by plane,you will need to make arrangements with an other vendor.
만약 이 책을 항공편으로 보내고 싶으시면 , 다른 업체를 알아보셔야 될것 같습니다.
We wil of course ,accomodate you in whatever way we can.
저희도 물론 고객님의 형편에 최대한 맞춰는 드리겠습니다.
* media mail 책자.잡지등을 배송할떄 쓰이는 우편배송 방식
* associated fee 추가 수수료
* express delivery 특급배송
* next day shipping 익일 배송