Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 7
The cost of shipping insurance varies according to the size of the shipment.
배송 보험은 선적 규모에 따라 다양하게 제공됩니다.
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your inquiry.
The cost of shipping insurance varies according to the size of the shipment.
Please refer yo our webside for your shipping insurance options.
I will look into that and let you know how much it would cost.
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your inquiry.
문의 감사드립니다.
The cost of shipping insurance varies according to the size of the shipment.
배송 보험은 선적 규모에 따라 다양하게 제공됩니다.
Please refer to our website for your shipping insurance options.
저희 웹사이트를 참고하시면 배송 보험 옵션에 대해 보실수 있으십니다.
I will look into that and let you know how much it would cost.
제가 비용이 얼마인지 한번 살펴보고 연락드리겠습니다.