Business Email- Business events 4
Would it be possible to reserve a boothe near the center aisle?
>중앙 통로 근처로 예약 가능할까요?
Dear Jason,
I'd like to reserve an exhibition booth at the International Education Fair
to be held on March 10th of next year.
Would it be possible to reserve a boothe near the center aisle?
Thank you so much.
Dear Jason,
I'd like to reserve an exhibition booth at the International Education Fair
내년 3 월 9일에 열리는 국제 교육 박람회 때 사용할 전시 부스 하나를 예약하고자 합니다.
to be held on March 10th of next year.
Would it be possible to reserve a boothe near the center aisle?
중앙 통로 근처로 예약 가능할까요?
Thank you so much.