Business Email- Internal Emails 14
I would like to let you know that Coco will be moving to Jason English.
>Coco Kim이 Jason English로 옮기게 되었음을 알려드립니다.
Dear all,
I would like to let you know that Coco will be moving to Jason English.
Coco has been an asset to this company and I think I speack on behalf of
everyone when I say how much she will be missed,
Though we will all miss Coco very dearly, let's wish her the very best for the future.
Dear all,
I would like to let you know that Coco Kim will be moving to Jason English.
Coco Kim이 제이슨 영어로 옮기게 되었음을 알려드립니다.
Coco has been an asset to this company
Coco는 우리 회사의 귀한 인재였어요.
and I think I speack on behalf of everyone when I say how much she will be missed,
많이 그리울거라고 모두를 대표하여 말씀드립니다.
Though we will all miss Coco very dearly, let's wish her the very best for the future.
우리 모두 Coco를 그리워하겠지만 그녀의 앞날에 행운을 빌어 줍시다.