Business Email- Internal Emails 12
Jason will be relocating to our Jakarta plant, effective July 1st.
>제이슨은 7월 1일자로 자카르타 공장으로 전근가게 되었습니다.
Dear all,
Management has agreed that Jason will be transfered to the position of warehouse manager.
We'll be sorry to see him go but wish him the best in his new position.
Dear all,
Management has agreed that Jason will be transfered to the position of warehouse manager.
이사진은 제이슨이 물류창고 관리자로 자리를 이동하는것에 동의했습니다.
We'll be sorry to see him go but wish him the best in his new position.
그가 떠나게 되어 아쉽지만 새로운 직책을 맡은 제이슨에게 행운을 빌어 줍시다.
Dear all,
Jason will be relocating to our Jakarta plant, effective July 1st.
I hope you will join me in wishing Jason every success in his relocation to Jakarta.
Dear all,
Jason will be relocating to our Jakarta plant, effective July 1st.
제이슨은 7월 1일자로 자카르타 공장으로 전근가게 되었습니다.
I hope you will join me in wishing Jason every success in his relocation to Jakarta.
자카르타로 전근가는 제이슨 씨에게 우리 모두 성공을 빌어줍시다.