Business Email- Internal Emails 6
On the whole, this report is very good, but there are a few points that need clarifying. The report could use more detail in the foreign sales section.
전체적으로 보았을때 이 보고서는 아주 좋지만 명확히 해야 할 부분이 몇군데 있네요.
Dear Jason,
Thanks for sending the report through.
On the whole, this report is very good, but there are a few points that need clarifying.
The report could use more detail in the foreign sales section.
Would you come up to my office whenever you have a moment so we can go through it?
Dear Jason,
Thanks for sending the report through.
보내준 보고서는 잘 보았습니다.
On the whole, this report is very good, but there are a few points that need clarifying.
전체적으로 보았을때 이 보고서는 아주 좋지만 명확히 해야 할 부분이 몇군데 있네요.
The report should use more detail in the foreign sales section.
해외 판매 분과에 대해 좀 더 자세한 내용을 넣어야 할것 같습니다.
Would you come up to my office whenever you have a moment so we can go through it?
시간 나면 내 사무실에 올라와 그 부분에 대하여 이야기 해 볼래요?