Business Email- Announcement 4
Please be aware that,
~하시길 바랍니다.
Dear all,
Please be aware that, due to essential maintenance work, you will not be permitted access to the office
between 9 a.m and 1p.m. tomorrow.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Dear all,
Please be aware that,due to essential maintenance work, you will not be permitted access to the office
between 9 a.m and 1p.m. tomorrow.
중요한 정비 작업이 있어서 내일 오전 9시부터 오후 1시 사이에는 사무실 출입이 불가능함을 기억해주시기 바랍니다.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
불편을 끼쳐드려서 죄송합니다.