Business Email- Announcement 2
Due to your feedback , we have decided to change to flexible working hours.
>피드백으로 인하여, 저희는 근무 시간 자유 선택제도로 바꾸기로 결정했습니다.
Our policy on business trip expenses has now changed.
We have decided to change our policy on invoicing.
So that we're all on the same page, we have voted to revise our billling policy..
*be on the same page
Dear Staff,
Due to your feedback , we have decided to change to flexible working hours.
Please take a minute to review the details and other recent changes in the attached document.
Our policy on business trip expenses has now changed.
출장경비에 대한 회사 방침이 변경되었습니다.
The following policies were revised at our recent AGM : Section 1, Section 4, Setion 5.
최근 연례 총회에서 다음 방침들이 개정되었습니다: 1항,4항,5항
We have decided to change our policy on invoicing.
송장 관련 방침을 변경하기로 했습니다.
So that we're all on the same page, we have voted to revise our billling policy..
모두 동의하였으므로, 청구 방침을 개정하기로 했습니다.
*be on the same page : 동의하다.뜻을 같이하다
Dear Staff,
Due to your feedback , we have decided to change to flexible working hours.
Please take a minute to review the details and other recent changes in the attached document.