Business Email- Business trip 6
I wanted to let you know what a great success this trip has been
>이번 출장이 매우 성공적이었다는 말씀 드리고 싶습니다.
Dear Jason,
Thank you for coordinating the meeting with ABC Enterprises.
Your assistance in making this conract has been very helpful.
I wanted to let you know what a great success this trip has been
and it's important we maintain that momentum now.
Many thanks,
Dear Jason,
Thank you for coordinating the meeting with ABC Enterprises.
저희 ABC 엔터프라이즈와의 회의를 잘 조율해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Your assistance in making this conract has been very helpful.
이번 계약을 맺는데 있어서 귀하의 도움이 매우 컸습니다.
I wanted to let you know what a great success this trip has been
이번 출장이 매우 성공적이었다는 말씀 드리고 싶습니다.
and I think it's important we maintain that momentum now.
그리고 지금은 이런 기세를 유지해 가는것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.
Many thanks,