Business Email- 결제 11
I regret to inform you that we require your payment by 5th.
>유감스럽게도 5일까지는 결제하여 주셔야 함을 알려드립니다.
Dear Coco
I regret to inform you that we require your payment by 5th.
As was clearly laid out in our initial contract,failure to meet the payment deadlines will result in stiff penaltis
and,if necessary, legal action.
Please do not delay in sending payment.
Dear Coco
I regret to inform you that we require your payment by 5th.
유감스럽게도 5일까지는 결제하여 주셔야 함을 알려드립니다.
As was clearly laid out in our initial contract,failure to meet the payment deadlines will result in stiff penaltis
and,if necessary, legal action.
처음 계약에 명시되어 있듯이 결제일을 맞추지 못할경우 단호하게 벌금이 부과되며, 필요한 경우 법적조치가 이루어질수도
Please do not delay in sending payment.
지체없이 송금 부탁드립니다.