Business Email- 결제 10
our payment will be slightly behind the schedule
>결제가 약간 정해진 스케쥴보다 늦어질것 같습니다.
Dear Jason,
We are sorry but we must inform that our payment will be slightly behind the schedule this month.
Because our company is so new,we have limite cash flow right now.
Thank you for your understanding, and we assure you that we will make our payment by Friday.
Dear Jason,
We are sorry but we must inform that our payment will be slightly behind the schedule this month.
죄송하지만 이번달 결제가 정해진 스케쥴보다 늦어지게 될것같다고 알려드려야만 하겠습니다.
Because our company is so new,we have limite cash flow right now.
저희 회사가 아직 신생기업이라서 현재 현금이 잘 돌지가 않아서요.
Thank you for your understanding, and we assure you that we will make our payment by 15th .
이해해 주셔서 감사드리며,이번 15일까지는 꼭 결제하도록 하겠습니다.