Business Email- 주문 6
I would like to modify the order
>제 주문을 변경하고 싶습니다.
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your help this afternoon,On second thought,I would like to modify the order
to include training manuals.
Also 100 laptops will be too many so please change that to 80.Can you change that order for me?
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your help this morning
오늘 아침엔 도와주셔서 감사했습니다.
On second thought,I would like to modify the order to include training manuals.
다시 생각해보니, 제 주문을 연습매뉴얼이 포함된 것으로 변경하고 싶습니다.
Also 100 laptops will be too many so please change that to 80. Can you change that order for me?
또한 노트북 100개는 너무 많은것 같아서 80개로 변경하고 싶습니다. 주문한것좀 변경해 주실수 있으신가요?