I have a few questions about the royalty agreements.


 Business Email- 계약 6 

I have a few questions about the royalty agreements.

>로열티 계약에 있어서 몇가지 질문이 있습니다.


Dear Jason,

I have a few questions about the royalty agreements.

Namely how much can I expect to receive in royalty payments?

I would like to receive at least 15% after production costs,although I am open to negotiations.





Dear Jason,

I have a few questions about the royalty agreements.
로열티 계약에 있어서 몇가지 질문이 있습니다.

Namely how much can I expect to receive in royalty payments?
즉 말하자면 로열티로 얼마나 받을수 있는 것 인지요?

I would like to receive at least 15% after production costs,although I am open to negotiations.
적어도 15%는 받고 싶습니다.그렇지만 협상은 가능합니다.연락주세요.


