Business Email- 우려를 표현할때
we are anxious that
>저희는~에 걱정입니다.
Example sentences
We are anxious that the proposed plan won't reach its stated goals.
Unfortunately I must say that I'm not comfortable with the restructuring.
The logistics of your proposal are a big concern.
We are concered about the staffing requirements.
Dear Jason,
After review,we are anxious that your proposal does not work with out environmental policy.
Let's meet sometime next week and discuss these issues.
Example sentences
We are anxious that the proposed plan won't reach its stated goals.
그 기획안이 명시하는 목표에 도달하지 못할 것 같아 걱정됩니다.
Unfortunately I must say that I'm not comfortable with the restructuring.
안타깝게도 저희는 이 구조조정에 대해 마음이 편치 않습니다.
The logistics of your proposal are a big concern.
당신의 제안서에서 운송 부분이 가장 걱정입니다.
We are concered about the staffing requirements.
인력부분에서 우려가 됩니다.
Dear Jason,
After review,we are anxious that your proposal does not work with out environmental policy.
검토해보니, 당신 제안서가 저희의 환경정책과 맞지 않는 것 같습니다.
Let's meet sometime next week and discuss these issues.
다음주 언제 만나서 이 문제에 대해 논의해 봅시다.