Business Email- 가능성을 말할때
I doubt your proposal will be accepted.
>당신이 준 제안서가 수락되지 않을것 같아요.
Dear Jason,
I have to tell you that I doubt your proposal will be accepted.
Your concept was appealing, but you didn't provide many details about implementation.
I'll let you know when we've made a more definite decision.
Dear Jason,
I have to tell you that I doubt your proposal will be accepted.
당신이 준 제안서가 수락되지 않을것 같다고 말씀 드려야 할것 같습니다.
Your concept was appealing, but you didn't provide many details about implementation.
컨셉은 끌리는 부분이 있었지만, 시행부분에 있어서는 디테일이 부족했어요.
Stil I'll let you know when we've made a more definite decision.
그래도 보다 확실한 결정이 나면 알려드리겠습니다.