Business Email- 제안에 대한 답변 1
we are pleased to accept your business proposal.
당신의 제안을 받아들이겠습니다.
Dear Jason,
After careful consideration, we are pleased to accept your business proposal.
We look forward to this business partnership and feel it wil benefit both out companies.
Dear Jason,
After careful consideration, we are pleased to accept your business proposal.
심사숙고끝에 저희는 당신의 사업제안을 기쁘게 수락하게 되었습니다.
We look forward to this business partnership and feel it wil benefit both out companies.
이번 협력을 기대하며, 또한 이것이 두 회사에 이익을 가져올것이라 생각합니다.