Business Email- 확인 및 재확인
Please confirm that
~에 대해 확인 부탁드립니다
Example sentences
Please confirm that we are meeting tomorrow at 10 am.
I just want to check if you received our e-catalogue this month.
This is a reminder that all employees should submit their timesheet by this Friday.
Would you confirm that we are schedule to give the sales presentation at 3 pm today.
Example sentences
Please confirm that we are meeting tomorrow at 10 am.
내일 오전 10시에 만나는것에 대하여 확인 부탁드립니다.
I just want to check if you received our e-catalogue this month.
이달 저희 전자 카탈로그를 받아 보셨는지 확인하고 싶어서요.
This is a reminder that all employees should submit their timesheet by this Friday.
전 직원은 이번주 금요일까지 근무시간표를 제출하여야 한다는 것에 대하여 다시 알려드리고자 합니다.
Would you confirm that we are schedule to give the sales presentation at 3 pm today.
오늘 3시에 열릴 영업프레젠테이션에 대하여 확인해 주시겠어요?