Business Email- 의견과 조언 제공
In my opinion,
제 생각에는~
Example sentence
In my opinion,the marketing team has not lived up to our expectation.
It's probably best if you require your staff to sing their names to every order.
If you ask me,there is no comparison between two systems.
My advice is that downsizing should be our last option.
Example sentence
In my opinion,the marketing team has not lived up to our expectation.
제 생각에는 마케팅팀이 우리의 기대에 못 미치는것 같습니다.
It's probably best if you require your staff to sing their names to every order.
직원들이 모든 주문에 자기이름을 의무적으로 서명하도록 한다면 가장 좋을거에요.
If you ask me,there is no comparison between two systems.
제 의견을 물어보신다면, 두 시스템은 비교할 필요가 없는것 같습니다.
My advice is that downsizing should be our last option.
인원감축은 마지막 선택이 되어야 한다는것이 저의 조언입니다.