Greener pastures


Greener pastures |  a better or more exciting job or place.

더 좋은 곳

- A lot of professionals go abroad to seek for greener pastures.


IDIOMS by THEME   | Level 1 | (27) Greener Pastures

Simon: I guess I can't really convince you to stay, can I?

Jack: Nope. No matter how hard you try, I've made up my mind. I'll be leaving in two weeks.

Simon: Why are you leaving here? It's not so bad here.

Jack: Simon, I've been here too long. It's high time for me to find a greener pasture.


high time: the appropriate or urgent time


Simon: 너가 여기 남도록 설득하는건 힘든것 같구나.그치?

Jack:  그래.네가 아무리 열심히 설득해도 말이야. 난 이미 결심했어.난 이주안에 떠날거야.

Simon: 왜 여길떠나려는거야?여기 그렇게 나쁘지많은 아닌데..

Jack: Simon,난 여기에 너무나 오래 있었어. 더 좋은곳을 찾아 떠나기 마침 딱 좋은때야.


high time: 무르익은때. 딱 알맞은 타이밍