Be bored to death


Be bored to death/tears |  to be very bored.

죽을만큼 지루하다,너무 지겹다

-The lecture went for hours. I was bored to death.


IDIOMS by THEME   | Level 1 | (26) Be bored to death

Carrie:  I can't stand  this any longer.

Michelle: What are you talking about? Sit still. The lecture isn't over yet.

Carrie: But this is really killing me. I am so bored to death.  Why am I here, anyway?

Michelle: You are here because you need the credits to pass this semester.


kill:  to cause extreme pain or discomfort


Carrie: 이제 더 이상 못참겠어.

Michelle: 무슨 소리야? 앉아.수업은 아직 안끝났어.

Carrie: 그치만 죽겠는걸. 지루해 죽을것같아.내가 왜 여기앉아있지?

Michelle: 이번 학기 통과할 학점을 따기위해서 여기 있는 거잖아.


kill:  죽을것같다.미칠것같다