Business Email- 오랜만의 연락2
I am pleased to resume our correspondence.
>다시 서신을 주고받게 되어 기쁘네요.
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to resume our correspondence.
I think there are great opportunities for our companies to collaborate.
Let us keep in better touch going forward.
Sincere regards,
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to resume our correspondence.
연락을 재개할수 있게 되어 기쁩니다.
I think there are great opportunities for our companies to collaborate.
저희 두 회사가 협력할수 있는 기회가 굉장히 많을 것 같습니다.
Let us keep in better touch going forward.
앞으로 계속해서 연락을 잘 해나가도록 합시다.
Sincere regards,