Basic Email Patterns- 21
We'd like to invite you
귀하를 ~에 초대하고자 합니다.
We'd like to invite you to celebrate with us.
We'd like to invite you to tomorrow's ceremony.
Please be invited to our Founder's Day ceremony.
Please be invited to the opening night party.
I'm pleased to invite you to join us.
I'm pleased to invite you to the opening of our new plant.
Attached is an invitation to the lecture series.
Attached is an invitation to meet the founders.
We'd like to invite you to celebrate with us.
축하의 자리에 귀하를 초대하고자 합니다.
We'd like to invite you to tomorrow's ceremony.
내일 행사에 귀하를 초대하고자 합니다.
Please be invited to our Founder's Day ceremony.
저희 창립 기념식에 참석해 주십시오.
Please be invited to the opening night party.
개업파티의 밤에 초대합니다.
I'm pleased to invite you to join us.
저희와 함께 해 주시기를 기쁜 마음으로 초대합니다.
I'm pleased to invite you to the opening of our new plant.
새 공장 준공식에 귀하를 기쁜 마음으로 초대합니다.
Attached is an invitation to the lecture series.
강연 초대장을 첨부하였습니다.
Attached is an invitation to meet the founders.
창립자들과 만날 수 있는 초대장을 첨부하였습니다.