Basic Email Patterns- 6
Please send
~을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
Have you filed the invoices?
Have you heard from the client?
I need an update on the account.
I need to see improvement in the figures.
Please send me the files.
Please send the report by tomorrow.
Can I have that report by tomorrow?
Can I have the time confirmed?
Have you filed the invoices?
송장을 파일로 정리해 두셨나요?
Have you sent the email to the client?
고객에게 그 메일을 전달해 드렸나요?
I need an update on the account.
출납부를 업데이트 해야합니다.
I need to see improvement in the figures.
수치가 개선되는것을 보고 싶군요.
Please send me the files.
제게 그 파일을 보내 주십시오.
Please send the report by tomorrow.
내일까지 보고서를 보내 주십시오.
Can I have that report by tomorrow?
내일까지 그 보고서를 받아 볼수 있을까요?
Can I have the time confirmed?
시간을 확인해 주시겠어요?