Put in a good word | to say something positive about someone
-I hope you get the job. I’ll put in a good word for you.
IDIOMS by THEME | Level 1 | (24) Put in a Good Word
Sean: Just relax. I know this is your first time.
Bill: I can't help it. This interview is really making me nervous. I really want to get this job.
Sean: Don't worry. Everything is going to be ok. Besides, I've already put in a good word you.
Bill: You did? Wow, thanks. I really appreciate that.
Sean: 마음 편히가져.이번이 처음 해본거잖아.
Bill: 못 그러겠어. 인터뷰때 나는 정말 긴장시켰어. 여기 꼭 취직되길 원하거든.
Sean: 걱정마. 모든게 다 잘될거야. 게다가 내가 너에대해 좋게 말해 두었어..
Bill: 그랬어? 어머 정말 고마워. 그래주었다니 너무 고맙다.