numbers and letters


 Everyday English | Numbers and Letters 

numbers and letters

숫자와 글자


Everyday English | Numbers and Letters

Learn how to describe where you are, to describe the positions of the body (to sit, to stand, to kneel). Learn numbers and how to formulate a simple arithmetical problem and its solution. Learn the alphabet and how to spell words.


Key Expressions | Patterns

What is your complete address?

Where do you live?

Can you spell that for me?

There are 23 floors.


Task 1 |  Answer the following questions: 

Where do you live?

What is your complete address?




Hans: Do you live in an apartment?

Lorie: Yes, the building I live in is very tall.

Hans: What’s the name of your building?

Lorie: The building’s name is Hudson.

Hans:  Can you spell that for me?

Lorie: H-U-D-S-O-N.


Hans: How many floors are there?

Lorie:  There are 23 floors and in each floor there are 10 apartments.

Hans:  Your building has a total of 230 apartments.

Lorie: I think 20 are offices.

Hans:  Do you know how many people live in your building?

Lorie: I’m not sure but more than 200 occupants, if I would guess.

Hans:  Do you know them?

Lorie: No, I don’t know anyone in my building.


Hans:  Where is your building located?

Lorie: It’s on Madison St.

Hans: : I’m sorry?

Lorie: M-A-D-I-S-O-N St.



Hans: 넌 아파트에 사니?

Lorie: 응.내가 사는 빌딩은 아주 높아.

Hans: 네가 사는 빌딩 이름이 뭐야?

Lorie: Hudson이야.

Hans:  스펠링이 뭔지 알려줄래?

Lorie: H-U-D-S-O-N.


Hans: 몇층 짜리야?

Lorie:  23 층이야, 그리고 각 층엔 열개의 아파트들이 있고.

Hans:  빌딩에 총 230 호가 있는거네.

Lorie: 내 생각에 20개는 사무실들인것같아.

Hans:  총 몇명이나 사는지 알고있니?

Lorie:  잘 모르겠어.그런데 약 200 의 세입작 살고있는것 같아.추측하건데.

Hans:  그들을 아니?

Lorie:  아니 몰라,빌딩에 사는 사람 아무도 몰라.


Hans:  네가 사는 빌딩은 어디에 위치하고 있니?

Lorie: Madison 스트리트에 있어.

Hans: : 어디?다시 말해줄래?

Lorie: M-A-D-I-S-O-N St.