Everyday English | Vacation Plans
vacation plans
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Everyday English | Vacation Plans
Make reservations for a vacation. Set the vacation length and dates. Book a vacation home and describe it (rooms, kitchen, bathroom). Learn basic vocabulary for furniture.
Key Expressions | Patterns
She travels all the time.
Are you going to stay in a hotel?
How long will you stay there?
Do you know if there’s television and fridge in the room?
My sister has a spare room in her apartment.
Task 1 |
Make one sentence that includes these words / phrases
reservation, room with a view, month
Dialogues |
Peter: I heard you’re going to San Francisco next month. Do you know where you will stay?
Walter: I think we will stay downtown because my wife likes shopping.
Peter:How long will you stay there?
Walter: Probably four days.
Peter: Are you going to stay in a hotel?
Walter: We haven’t decided yet.
Peter: My sister has a spare room in her apartment. She lives in downtown San Francisco.
Walter: Wow, that’s great but is that ok with her?
Peter: Sure, it’s a huge apartment.
Walter: Do you know if there’s television and fridge in the room.
Peter: I stayed there twice and I remember it has all the furniture you need.
Walter: What about the bed?
Peter: The bed is big enough for an elephant.
Walter: It sounds like a hotel room.
Peter: The best part is you will have privacy because my sister doesn’t stay there.
Walter: Why not?
Peter: She travels all the time. You would have to get the keys at the reception.
Walter: Please tell her I’m interested and call me about the price.
Dialogues |
Peter: 샌프란시스코에 간다로 들었어. 어디에 머물거니?
Walter: 다운타운에서 머물거야.내 와이프가 쇼핑을 좋아하거든.
Peter: 얼마마 머물거니?
Walter: 아마도 4일정도.
Peter: 호텔에서 머물거니?
Walter: 아직 결정하진 않았어.
Peter: 내 여동생이 사는 아파트에 남는방이 있어.내 동생은 샌프란시스코에 살아.
Walter: 우와 그것 좋은데.그런데 그녀가 괜찮아 할까?
Peter: 물론이지 .큰 아파트야.
Walter: 방에 TV와 냉장고가 있는지 아니?
Peter: 거기 두번 머문적 있는데 네가 필요로 하는 모든 가구들이 있어.
Walter: 침대는 어때?
Peter: 코끼리도 잘 만한 큰 침대가 있어.
Walter: 마치 호텔방 같은걸,
Peter: 가장 좋은것은 프라이버시야.내 여동생은 거기 머물지 않거든.
Walter: 어째서?
Peter: 내 여동생은 늘 여행을 다니거든. 열쇠는 리세션에 가면 있어.
Walter: 네 여동생에게 내가 흥미있어한다고 전해줘.그리고 가격 얼만지 나한테 전화해줘.