Everyday English | Grocery Shopping
grocery shopping
Everyday English | Grocery Shopping
Learn what to ask when grocery shopping. Ask for advice on ingredients and cooking.
Key Expressions | Patterns
I should go to the grocery then. What should I buy?
How much should I get?
How many people are going to attend your party?
I have another problem.
Serve food that is easy to prepare.
Task 1 |
Make one sentence that includes these three words.
shop, party, guests
Dialogues |
Ken: Hello, I am going to have a party tonight. I am not sure what to cook.
Lester: Serve food that are easy to prepare.
Ken: Like what?
Lester: Spaghetti, salad and fried chicken.
Ken: I should go to the grocery then. What should I buy?
Lester: First, pasta noodles and spaghetti sauce. Next vegetables and salad dressing. Lastly, chicken legs and frying oil.
Ken: How much should I get?
Lester: How many people are going to attend your party?
Ken: I will have 20 guests.
Lester: I think one 2 kilograms of pasta, 2 cans of spaghetti sauce, a kilogram of mixed vegetables and 20 pieces of chicken legs would be fine.
Ken: Don’t forget the frying oil.
Lester: Just get the smallest bottle of oil they have.
Ken: I have another problem.
Lester: What is it?
Ken: My car is broken, would you drive me to the store?
Lester: That is fine.
Ken: Thank you so much.
Ken: Hello, 오늘 밤 파티를 열건데 무엇을 요리해야 할지 모르겠어.
Lester: 준비하기 쉬운 요리를 하도록 해.
Ken: 어떤것이 있을까?
Lester: 스파게티,샐러드 그리고 치킨.
Ken: 식료품에 가야겠어 그럼. 뭘 사야하지?
Lester: 우선,파스타면 그리고 파스타 소스.다음으로는 야채 그리고 샐러드 드레싱. 마지막으로 치킨다리랑 식용유.
Ken: 얼마나 가져가야 할까?
Lester: 파티에 몇명이나 참석하니?
Ken: 20 명의 손님이 와.
Lester: 2 킬로그램 파스타 한봉지,파스타 소스 2캔,믹스야채 1킬로,20개의 치킨다리면 충분할거야.
Ken: 식용유도 잊지마.
Lester: 제일 작은 병의 식용유를 사도록 해.
Ken: 또다른 문제가 있어.
Lester: 뭔데?
Ken: 내 차가 고장났어.나 좀 가게에 데려다 줄래?
Lester: 그래.
Ken: 정말 고마워.