supermarket and groceries


 Everyday English | Supermarket 

supermarket and groceries

슈퍼와 식료품 잡화점


 Key Expressions | Patterns 

Do we need a basket or a cart?

Let’s start at the produce section.

We need ground pork.

We are out of toothpaste.

I guess we’re done, let’s go to the cashier.


 Dialogue | 

Patty: Do we need a basket or a cart?

David: I think a basket is enough.

Patty: Let’s start at the produce section.

David: We need broccoli and carrots.

Patty: Grab some corn and organic apples too.

David: Ok, let’s head to the meat section.

Patty: We need ground pork.

David: Would you like some seafood?

Patty: We need frozen shrimps for dinner.

David: Do we need toiletries?

Patty:  Yes, we are out of toothpaste.

David: Ok, any dairy products for breakfast?

Patty:  We still have butter but get a carton of milk.

David: I guess we’re done, let’s go to the cashier.


Patty: 카트가 필요할까?바구니가 필요할까?

David:바구니로 충분할것 같아.

Patty: Produce 섹션부터 시작하자.

David: 우리는 브로콜리랑 당근이 필요해.

Patty:  약간의 옥수수랑 유기농 사과도 좀 사.

David: 알았어. 정육코너로 가자.

Patty: 우린 다진 돼지고기가 필요해.

David: 해산물도 좀 살까?

Patty: 저녁으로 냉동새우가 좀 필요해.

David: 세안용품도 필요한가?

Patty:  응.치약이 다 떨어졌어.

David: 오케이.아침에 먹을 유제품도 필요할까?

Patty:  버터는 있어.그렇지만 우유한팩 사자.

David: 이제 살것 다 산것같아.계산대로 가자.