bare bones (of something)


BODY | bare bones (of something) | the most basic and important parts of something


-The company had to restructure and most services were cut to the bare bones of the operation. 


IDIOMS by THEME  |  BODY  | Level 1 | (20)  Bare Bones (of something)

Mike: We should start this project by outlining the bare bones of the proposal. 

Leo: Yes, I think we should do that. Do we have enough time?

Mike: I hope so. I don't want to pull an all-nighter on this one.

Leo: Let's get started then.


all-nighter: a project lasting through the night


Mike: 우리 제안서의 뼈대를 세워서 프로젝트의 아웃라인을 잡기 시작해야해.

Leo:  그래.그래야겠어. 시간은 충분해

Mike: 충분하길 바래.이것때문에 밤새우긴 싫거든.

Leo: 자 그럼 시작하자.


all-nighter: 밤새워 공부등을 하다.