BODY | at each other's throats | fighting or arguing all the time
엄청 싸우다
-The two boys were at each other's throats when they entered the room.
Parker: It's never a good a idea to put Mark and Jessie in one team.
Drake: I'm sure it won't be that bad. They look like they get along very well.
Parker: You have no idea what you're saying. They're always at each other's throats.
Drake: Really?
Parker: Yes. It all started after that big disastrous presentation last year.
get along: to be on harmonious terms
Parker: Mark와 Jessie를 같은팀에 두는건 좋은 생각이 아니야.
Drake: 그렇게 나쁘지많은 아닐거야.아주 잘 지내는것처럼 보이던데.
Parker: 넌 뭘 몰라.그들은 언제나 엄청 싸워대.
Drake: 정말?
Parker: 그래. 엉망징찬이였던 작년의 프레젠테이션 이후로 그 애들은 그래왔어.
get along: 지내다.어울리다.