as broad as a barn door


As broad as a barn door |  very broad or fat

매우 덩치가 크거나 살찐

-The flight attendant at the airport was as broad as a barn door. 


IDIOMS by THEME  |  BODY  | Level 1 | (2) As Broad as a barn door

Daniel: I wonder how often Jason works out. His chest now is as broad as barn door.

Jeffrey: I think he's been working out everyday for the last two months.

Daniel: Amazing. I don't think I have that kind of discipline.

Jeffrey: Me too.

work out: to do a program of exercise


Daniel: Jason은 얼마나 자주 운동을 하는지 궁금해.그의 가슴이 아주 넓어졌어.

Jeffrey: 지난 두달 내내 매일 운동해 온것 같아. 

Daniel: 대단하다. 나는 그렇게 나 자신을 밀어붙이지 못할것 같아.

Jeffrey: 나도

work out: 운동하다