As Conceited as a Barber's Cat


ANIMAL | As Conceited as a Barber's Cat |  very conceited, vain

이발사의 고양이처럼 우쭐거

-My friend became as conceited as a barber's cat after she won the award at school. 


IDIOMS by THEME  |  ANIMAL  | Level 1 | (7) As Conceited as a Barber's Cat

Blair: There she goes again. 

Michelle: Has she been always like that?

Blair: No. She's become as conceited as barber's cat ever since she won the school beauty pageant.

Michelle: No wonder the other girls don't like her.


no wonder: not surprising


Blair: 저 여자 또 시작했군,.

Michelle: 늘 저런식이니?

Blair: 아니.학교의 미인대회에서 일등한 이후로 저렇게 이발사의 고양이처럼 우쭐거리지 뭐야.

Michelle: 다른 여자애들이 저애를 싫어하는것도 놀랍지않네( 잘 알겠네).


no wonder: 놀랍지않다. 왜 그러는지 이유를 잘 알겠다.