As Clean as a Hound's Tooth


ANIMAL | As Clean as a Hound's Tooth | very clean

사냥개의 이빨처럼 깨끗하다

-The classroom was as clean as a hound's tooth when the students finished cleaning it. 


IDIOMS by THEME  |  ANIMAL  | Level 1 | (6) As Clean as a Hound's Tooth

Ben: Wow! Your room looks amazing.

Fred: My mom made me clean  it. She said it needed to be as a clean as a hound's tooth.

Ben: How long did it take you?

Fred: It took me three long hours. 


Ben:  와 ! 네 방 엄청나네.

Fred엄마가 방 청소하라고 했어.사냥개의 이빨처럼 아주 깨끗하게 되어야한다고 했어.

Ben: 청소하는데 얼마나 걸렸어?

Fred: 3시간 걸렸어.