Basic Email Patterns- 17 Refusing a Proposal
~을 거절하게 되어 유감입니다.
Unfortunately we must refuse~
I'm sorry to refuse~
We're declining~
Sorry, but we have to~
Unfortunately,we must refuse the proposal.
안타깝게도, 그 제안을 거절해야겠습니다.
Unfrotunately, we must refuse to work with you.
안타깝게도, 함께 일하는것은 거절해야겠습니다,
I'm sorry to refuse your order.
귀하의 제안을 거절하게 되어 유감입니다.
I'm sorry to refuse the arrangement,
그 방식을 거절하게 되어 유감입니다
We're declining the partnership.
제휴를 거절합니다,
We're declining to work with you.
함께 일하는 것은 거절합니다.
Sorry, but we have to say no at this time.
죄송하지만, 이번에는 거절해야겠군요.
Sorry, but we have to pass on that.
죄송하지만, 그냥 넘어가야만 할것 같네요.