I'm writing to inquire
Business Email- 메일의 목적 알리기 I'm writing to inquire 문의드리고자 메…
You will be pleased with this announceme…
Business Email- 좋은 소식알리기 You will be pleased with this announcement 들으면 …
Unfortunately, I have to share some regr…
Business Email- 나쁜 소식 알리기 Unfortunately, I have to share some regrettable news.&nbs…
I'm writitng in reference to
Business Email- 답장을 시작하는 표현 I'm writitng in reference to 이메일에 …
I'll be sure to follow up
Business Email- 맺음말 I'll be sure to follow up ~까지는 꼭 연락드리겠습니…
Yours sincerely
Business Email- 클로징 인삿말 Yours sincerely ...올림 (격식을 차리는 편지를 …
Please see the attachment.
Business Email- 파일첨부 Please see the attachment. >첨부를 보아주세요. &nbs…
I'm forwarding you the email below
Business Email- 메일전달및 참조요청 I'm forwarding you the email below 아…
I haven't received your email yet.
Business Email- 이메일이 오지 않을때 I haven't received your email yet. >당…
The email I sent you came back to me.
Business Email- 이메일이 반송되었을때 The email I sent you came back to me. 제가 …
I wasn't able to read your email.
Business Email- 글씨 깨진 이메일 I wasn't able to read your email. 이메일을 읽…
is dedicated to
Business Email- 회사소개 1 is dedicated to ~에 전념으로 하는 회사입니다.…
is the largest paper supplier in
Business Email- 회사소개 2 is the largest paper supplier in 에서 가장 큰 종이 공…
were founded in
Business Email- 회사소개 3 were founded in 저희회사는 ~년에 설립되었습니다. …
What's the best way to reach you?
Business Email- 연락처 물어보기 What's the best way to reach you? 어떻게 연락…
Please note my new phone number.
Business Email- 연락처 변경 Please note my new phone number. >제 새로 바뀐 …
I’ll be on vacation all next month.
Business Email- 부재중임을 알림 I’ll be on vacation all next month. >다…
will be taking over my project.
Business Email- 후임자 소개 will be taking over my project. 제 프로젝트…
we have a new managing director Jason W.
Business Email- 담당자 변경 안내 we have a new managing director Jason W. 저희 상무…
need the reports completed by
Business Email- 스케쥴관련1 need the reports completed by 까지는 그 레포트를 완…