How soon can
Pattern English 365- HOW 6 | How soon can 얼마나 빨리~가 가능한가요? &nb…
How long have you
Pattern English 365- HOW 7 얼마나 오래 ~를 해왔나요? Pattern English |&nbs…
How long does it take to
Pattern English 365- HOW 8 ~ 하는데 얼마나 오래걸리나요? Pattern English…
shocked to
Pattern English 365- 감정1 | be shocked to ~에 놀랐다 Pattern English |&…
willing to
Pattern English 365- 감정2 | willing to ~ 할 의향 / 용기가 있다. …
kind of
Pattern English 365- 감정3 | kind of 좀 ~ 해 Pattern English | 감정 …
don't feel like
Pattern English 365- 감정4 | don't feel like 별로 하기싫다.할기분이 아니다 …
Why are you so
Pattern English 365- WHY 3 | Why are you so 너 왜~한거야? Pattern En…
Why should I
Pattern English 365- WHY 4 | Why should I 내가 왜~를 해야하는데? Patte…
Pattern English 365- 제안 1 | Let's/Let's not ~하는것은 어때?, ~하자 …
How about
Pattern English 365- 제안 2 | How about? ~하는것은 어때?, ~하자 Pattern En…
Would you care for
Pattern English 365- 제안 3 | Would you care for? ~하는것은 어때? Pattern En…
You'd better
Pattern English 365- 제안 4 | You'd better ~하는게 좋을거야 Pattern Eng…
Maybe we should
Pattern English 365- 제안 5 | Maybe we should ~하는게 좋을지도 몰라, 어쩌면~하는…
I suggest we ~
Pattern English 365- 제안 6 | I suggest we ~하는게 좋을거야,~하는것은 어때? &nb…
Thank you for
Pattern English 365- 감사표현1 Thank you for | Thank you for ~해줘서 고…
I'd appreciate it if
Pattern English 365- I'd appreciate | I'd appreciate it if ~해주시면 감사하겠습…
It's very nice of you to
Pattern English 365- 감사표현3 | It's very nice of you to ~해줘서 정…
I'm sorry for
Pattern English 365- 유감표현1 | I'm sorry for ~해서 미안해 Patter…
I'm sorry that I can't
Pattern English 365- 유감표현2 | I'm sorry that I can't ~해 주지 못해…