As you are aware, we are planning an int…
Business Email- Internal Emails 10 As you are aware, we are planning an internal restructuring. …
Jason joins us from Metternet and brings…
Business Email- Internal Emails 11 Jason joins us from Metternet and brings a wealth of knowledge…
Jason will be relocating to our Jakarta …
Business Email- Internal Emails 12 Jason will be relocating to our Jakarta plant, effective July …
I can't think of a better person for th…
Business Email- Social matters 1 I can't think of a better person for the job. >…
Congratulations in tying the knot!
Business Email- Social matters 2 Congratulations in tying the knot! >결혼 축하해요! …
I was very sorry to hear about your illn…
Business Email- Social matters 3 I was very sorry to hear about your illness. >아프다는…
I've just moved and will be throwing a h…
Business Email- Social matters 4 I've just moved and will be throwing a housewarming party to…
I very much appreciate your presence at …
Business Email- Social matters 5 I very much appreciate your presence at the funeral. >장…
I wanted to congratulate you on your awa…
Business Email- Social matters 6 I wanted to congratulate you on your award. >수상에 대…
With mixed joy and sadness I announced t…
Business Email- Internal Emails 13 With mixed joy and sadness I announced the retirement of Jason…
I would like to let you know that Coco w…
Business Email- Internal Emails 14 I would like to let you know that Coco will be moving to Jason…
Could you let us know the address of you…
Business Email- Business trip 8 Could you let us know the address of your office? >당신 …
We are pleased to announce our upcoming …
Business Email- Business events 1 We are pleased to announce our upcoming seminar, 다…
We'd like to announce the grand opening …
Business Email- Business events 2 We'd like to announce the grand opening of our new hotel. …
Please add my name to the list of the up…
Business Email- Business events 3 Please add my name to the list of the upcoming lecture series i…
Would it be possible to reserve a boothe…
Business Email- Business events 4 Would it be possible to reserve a boothe near the center aisle?…
Could you please calculate the shipping …
Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 3 Could you please calculate the shipping costs and send me…
The price includes shipping costs.
Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 4 The price includes shipping costs. 배송비는 가격…
The cost of shipping depends on the size…
Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 5 The cost of shipping depends on the size of the order. …
I wanted to add some delivery insurance …
Business Email- Shipping&Delivery 6 I wanted to add some delivery insurance for that purchase…