That date works for me.
Business Email- 스케쥴관련2 That date works for me. 그 날짜까지 가능합니…
Can I push back the deadline until
Business Email- 스케쥴관련3 Can I push back the deadline until ~로 마감을 좀 연기…
Time is running short on your end.
Business Email- 스케쥴관련4 Time is running short on your end. 마감시간이 촉…
In my opinion,
Business Email- 의견과 조언 제공 In my opinion, 제 생각에는~ Example …
we can't offer any kind of advice.
Business Email- 의견과 조언의 제공 거절 we can't offer any kind of advice. …
I would really prefer to
Business Email- 선호표현 I would really prefer to 저는 ~을 하면 훨씬 더 좋겠습…
Please confirm that
Business Email- 확인 및 재확인 Please confirm that ~에 대해 확인 부탁드립…
The most important thing right now is
Business Email- 사안의 중요함을 강조할때 The most important thing right now is 현…
Would you reconsider your decision to
Business Email- 사안의 재고를 요청할때 Would you reconsider your decision to ~한 …
We're wondering if
Business Email- 질문하기 We're wondering if 저희는 ~는 어떤지 궁금합니다. …
It might be in our interest to
Business Email- 제안하기 It might be in our interest to >합작마케팅 캠페인을 …
we are pleased to accept your business p…
Business Email- 제안에 대한 답변 1 we are pleased to accept your business proposal. 당…
we must reject your proposal as it stand…
Business Email- 제안에 대한 답변 3 we must reject your proposal as it stands. 당…
Thank you for your time but this is not …
Business Email- 제안에 대한 답변 4 Thank you for your time but this is not really what we …
we will have to delay considering your p…
Business Email- 제안에 대한 답변 5 we will have to delay considering your proposal until a…
Would you mind if I looked over your pro…
Business Email- 시간을 요청할때 Would you mind if I looked over your proposal and got back…
discuss with your superior
Business Email- 상사와의 논의가 필요함을 알릴때 discuss with your super…
I doubt your proposal will be accepted.
Business Email- 가능성을 말할때 I doubt your proposal will be accepted. >…
we are anxious that
Business Email- 우려를 표현할때 we are anxious that >저희는~에…
I'm confident that
Business Email- 확신과 보장 I'm confident that >~라고 확신합니…