as black as coal
Color Idioms | as black as coal | very black. 연탄처럼 새까맣다 -My friend's…
black and blue
Color Idioms | black and blue | bruised; discolored by bruising. 멍 -My shoulder was bl…
black and white
Color Idioms | black and white | either good or bad, either one way or the other way, oversimp…
black box
Color Idioms | Black Box |an electronic device such as a flight recorder that can be removed from an…
black eye
Color Idioms | Black Eye | a bruise near one's eye which makes it appear black. 멍든눈 …
black market
Color Idioms | Black Market | the place where goods or money are illegally bought and sold. …
black out (2)
Color Idioms | black out | to darken a room or building by turning off the lights 암전,대규…
black out
Color Idioms | black out | to lose consciousness. 정신을 잃고 쓰러지다 -The man…
black sheep (of a family)
Color Idioms | black sheep (of a family) | a person who is a disgrace to a family or group. (집…
black ball (someone)
Color Idioms | blackball (someone) | to exclude or ostracize someone socially, to reject someone …
black list (someone)
Color Idioms | blacklist (someone) | to exclude or ostracize someone, to write someone's n…
black mail (someone)
Color Idioms | blackmail (someone) | to extort or take money from someone by threatening him o…
Color Idioms | blackout | a temporary situation where you do not release some information …
black-tie event/affair
Color Idioms | black-tie event/affair | a formal event where guests wear semi-formal clothes w…
in black and white
Color Idioms | in black and white | in writing, officially. 수기로/공식적으로 I …
in (someone's) black books
Color Idioms | in (someone's) black books | to be in disgrace or in disfavor with someone …